Nature affects our senses and how we perceive our immediate surroundings. When I think of the natural world, I reflect on the adaptation and transformation of biological systems (plants, animals and humans) caused by technological development at various economic, social, and demographic levels. I am interested in the relationships between technological innovation and natural adaptability. Historically, the transformation of plants and animals has been connected to the tools and techniques developed by humans. First with the domestication of seeds and plants, followed by the development of farming and harvesting methods, and today with the manipulation of genetic information for the production of better seeds, stronger crops and cheaper produce.
As part of my ongoing investigation and work with barcode label technology, the connections and codifications of what we eat –fruits, vegetables, grains- and how they are produced –use of pesticides, genetically enhanced seeds, and programmable crops- can be qualitative and quantitatively categorized in a small sequence of numbers and letters for production, harvesting, consumption, and disposal. The revolution that is taking place in the farm fields of the United States today is transforming the very nature of the food people eat. Labeled, patented, and genetically engineered foods have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade. My investigation and the nature of the project explores this topic through the integration of various digital technologies and New Media theoretical discourse in relation to the convergence of arts and science.
Germinal is an interactive New Media Arts project that explores connections between the digital codification of seeds and their respective transformation as crops and food when entering the commercial distribution markets. The project also examines the relationship, transformations, and adaptations between the natural habitat and man-made production tools as well as it offers a view into the health implications, government policies and economic forces controlling the food supply. Based on scientific data -obtained from various university resources- and trough the integration of digital video, commercial barcode label technology, software development, and traditional media art installation elements, the project encourages visitors to be active participants in the exploration of this issue.
Germinal is a presentation of Newark New Media, cWOW’s artist residency and apprenticeship program, which is a collaboration of cWOW, Gallery Aferro, and Newark Public Schools. Research conducted while in residency as visiting media artist at New Jersey City University. |